20/20MI – Mini Triple IR (IR3) Flame Detector
The 20/20MI is an economical and compact Triple IR (IR3) Flame Detector with the highest immunity to false alarms, in a rugged stainless steel housing.
Product code: 20/20MI
Main features and benefits:
- Triple Spectrum Design
- 80% Less Power Consumption
- Highly Immune to False Alarms
- Large Field of View (100° horizontal/vertical)
- Sensitivity Selection
- User-Programmable Functions Configurable via software from a PC or handheld device
- Automatic and Manual Built-In-Test (BIT)
- Standard 4-Wire Connection
- 4-20mA Sink or Source (3-4 wires) Configuration
- RS-485 Modbus Compatible
- MTBF Minimum 100,000 Hours
- 3-Year Warranty
Click on the links below to download the following attachments:
Spectrex Flame Detector Brochure .pdf