Stat-X® Fixed System: Electrical Units 500E Generator

Engineered fire suppression systems have consistently proven to be the most effective means of providing fire protection for a space. In these cases, the fire suppression agent has been carefully chosen and application rates and densities have been calculated. As long as the system is inspected and maintained, it should perform as expected and provide extinguishment or suppression in the event a fire occurs in the protected area.

A typical fire suppression system consists of the agent, a discharge mechanism, and some form of a fire detection system (such as smoke, flame, or heat detectors). The concept is simple—the fire detection system detects the presence of fire, and a signal is sent to the discharge mechanism resulting in release of the fire suppression agent.

Part number : 15140

Model : 500E


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 Main feature: 

  • UL Listed for Occupied Spaces
  • Effective Agent Performance
    Highly effective based on required density
  • Compact Modular Design
    Offering adaptable design especially when space and weight are critical
  • Simple and Economic Installation
    No expensive labor-intensive piping is required
  • Durable
    Ideal for harsh environments and remote locations
  • Long service life
    Service life of fifteen (15) years
  • Virtually Maintenance Free
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP) and zero Ozone Depletion
    Potential (ODP) based on EPA SNAP list inclusion
    EPA SNAP listed for normally occupied and unoccupied spaces
  • Made in the USA

Operation/Storage Parameters:

Temperature -40° C to +54° C (-40° F to 130°F)
Relative Humidity up to 98% at +35° C (+95° F)

Shipping Limitations:

Ground: Placards required for any shipment > 1001 lb as UN0432 1.4S
Max Net Quantity / package – Cargo Air 100 kg (220 lb)
Max Net Quantity / package – Passenger Air 25 kg (55 lb)

Click on the links below to download the following attachments:
Stat-X Brochure and Datasheet.pdf